Next Committee Meeting

Committee Meeting - Wednesday 4th December 2024 @ 6.30pm - in person.  

Email for login details if you wish to join.

Our Committee

BOSS is a registered charity and as such, cannot exist as a service without a functioning management committee. Our BOSS committee is made up of volunteer parents and guardians of children attending

BOSS. The Committee is elected each year at the BOSS AGM.

You don't need to hold a committee position to attend meetings and help out, just being a committee member and taking part in meetings is great. We would love to welcome new members! 

Contact the Committee

The committee can be contacted through e-mail at:

The 2024/25 Committee 

Chair - Heather Mackay

Treasurer - Andrew Gibb

Co-Treasurer - Loraine Brand

Secretary - Tory Waygood

Fundrasing - Catriona Kerr