
Burntisland Out of School Service – DAYCARE OF CHILDREN SERVICE
Duty of Candour report 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024
All health and social care services in Scotland have a duty of candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology and organisations learn how to improve for the future. An important part of this duty is that we provide an annual report about the duty of candour in our service. This short report describes how BOSS has operated the duty of candour during the time between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. We hope you find this report useful.
1.About BOSS
BOSS is a childcare provider in Burntisland. We provide day care to children before and after school during the school term and holiday clubs during school holidays. We are a registered charity and are supported by a volunteer management committee.

2.How many incident happened to which the duty of candour applied?
In the last year there have been no incidents to which the duty of candour applied. These are where types of incident have happened which are unintended or unexpected, and do not relate directly to the natural course of someone’s illness or underlying condition

Type of unexpected or unintended incidentNumber of times this happened
Someone had died 0
Someone has permanently less bodily, sensory, motor, physiologic or intellectual functions 0
Someone’s treatment has increased because of harm 0
Someone’s life expectancy becomes shorter because of harm 0
Someone’s sensory, motor or intellectual functions is impaired for 28 days or more 0 
A person needed health treatment in order to prevent them dying 0
A person needed health treatment in order to prevent further injuries 0

3.To what extent did BOSS follow the duty of candour procedure?
Had any of the events listed above happened, we would have followed the correct procedure. This means we informed the parents affected, apologised to them, and offered to meet with them. We would have reviewed what happened and what went wrong to try and learn for the future.

4.Information about our policies and procedures
When something has happened that triggers the duty of candour, our staff report this to the service manager who has the responsibility for ensuring that the duty of candour procedure is followed. The manager records the incident and reports as necessary to the Care Inspectorate. When an incident has happened the manager and staff set up a learning review. This allows everyone involved to review what happened and identify changes for the future. All new staff learn about the duty of candour at their induction. We know that serious mistakes can be distressing for staff as well as people who use care and their families. We have support in place for staff if they have been affected by a duty of candour incident. Where parents or children are affected by the duty of candour, we have arrangements in place to provide welfare support as necessary.

5.What has changed as a result?
Not applicable